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Microbrasserie Côte-du-Sud

50 Boulevard Taché O, Montmagny, QC G5V 3A2, Canada
(418) 241-2287
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  • K P

    Monday, January 15, 2024

    June 2023 This is one of the best eat out experiences I have ever had. Our server was chatty, informative and a fabulous waiter. He was from France. There must be dome type of work abroad program in effect here in Montmagny as he was not the only person we met from France and in Montmagny working. We couldn't decide on what type of beer to order. He suggested one that was only available on tap and could not be purchased in cans or growlers to take home. He quickly brought us all a sample, and we ended up ordering a pitcher. It was delicious. Our food was tasty, but the portions were small. A hungry person would have needed to order something extra. There is a nice large patio on the second level of the restaurant. We ate inside as that day it was like a hurricane. Very windy, and everything was toppling over outside. A great experience dining in Montmagny. There was a schedule posted for live entertainment, but we were not there on one of those dates.

  • Jocelyn Hamilton

    Saturday, July 15, 2023

    Wonderful experience! Delicious microbrews and food was tasty, with great portions. Offered samples before we ordered a glass as well, which was so helpful in making decisions. Our waitress Megan said she would try her best with her English and was amazing and friendly. We used our Google lens app to translate the menus, so no issue there. Nachos were double layered with tons of toppings and the Croque Monsieur was fantastic. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful evening. Thank you to the staff and cooks for a beautiful evening on our way home to Nova Scotia.

  • Bryan Harris

    Sunday, August 5, 2018

    OUTSTANDING beer selection. I have been to several dozen breweries around Ontario, Michigan and all the way around Raleigh NC and this is equal to anything. A few options were average and a few were great. Staff is primarily French but bilingual - their English was superior to my French. Nice casual and modern design and atmosphere. Can go here alone or with a large group.

  • Victor Lanckriet

    Sunday, November 26, 2023

    We had a great lunch here! When we arrived, they were actively brewing a new batch of beer, which made the whole place smell delightful. As soon as we sat down, the barman brought us a small, free sample which was amazing! I had the flight with 5 separate beers. All of which were amazing. I also purchased one beer for takeaway and it somehow tasted even better that evening. The real standout though, was the barman. He told us he moved from France about 2 years ago. His knowledge on the beer AND the area was impeccable. Would 100% recommend and go back.

  • Chris Fraser

    Saturday, June 26, 2021

    Cool selection of beers at this microbrewery. Nice looking food too, but I didn't have a chance to enjoy the food on this trip. The beer menu is a bit hard to find (Covid times), but the staff were excellent at suggesting the right beer for everyone's palate. Lots of space on their outdoor patio too, so a great place to visit on a sunny day.

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Beer List for Microbrasserie Côte-du-Sud Provided by Untappd!
  • Escarmouche

    Style: IPA - Session

    ABV: 4.2    IBU: 0

    Description Résineux, parfum d’ananas, saveur très distinctive de fruit de la passion, de fruits tropicaux. Magnifiquement voilée avec une légère amertume, elle est sèche, sans le gout sucré. Houblons: Galaxy et Vic Secret. Histoire Des rebelles américains envahissent la province de Québec au printemps de 1776. Le 25 mars, la Côte-du-Sud est le théâtre de l’un des épisodes les plus dramatiques de cette invasion lors d’une bataille courte mais intense qui se déroula à Saint-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud. Certains parlent d’une rébellion, d’autres d’une escarmouche.

    First seen on Monday, May 14, 2018

  • Onontio

    Style: IPA - Imperial / Double

    ABV: 7.5    IBU: 0

    Double IPA américaine aux arômes de fruits tropicaux. Houblons : Citra, Cascade.

    First seen on Saturday, December 30, 2017

  • Tortueuse

    Style: IPA - American

    ABV: 6.1    IBU: 0

    Description Cette bière orangée nous transporte dans un endroit chaud et agréable. Ses parfums exotiques d’agrumes, de fruit de la passion et d’abricot sont bien appuyés par une amertume franche et un goût riche en saveur, digne des meilleures IPA américaines. Houblons: Cascade, Magnum et Citra Histoire Tortueuse, la ligne du partage des eaux. La rivière Noire puise ses eaux des municipalités de Saint-Marcel et de Sainte-Félicité au cœur de la région de la Côte-du-Sud. Un parcours tortueux de plus de 700 km va la conduire jusqu’à la Baie de Fundy par le fleuve St-Jean.

    First seen on Sunday, August 12, 2018

  • Grande Voyageuse

    Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier / Blanche

    ABV: 5    IBU: 0

    First seen on Saturday, November 4, 2017

  • Azilia

    Style: Sour - Fruited

    ABV: 4    IBU: 0

    First seen on Saturday, May 11, 2019

  • Kapitaikallak

    Style: Bitter - Session / Ordinary

    ABV: 5.8    IBU: 0

    First seen on Sunday, October 15, 2017

  • L'Étoffe du Pays

    Style: Farmhouse Ale - Bière de Garde

    ABV: 7.5    IBU: 0

    Description Bière costaude avec des saveurs de fruits séchés et de prune. Légèrement herbacée en raison de ses houblons, elle provoque en bouche un goût épicé provenant de la levure saison. Une bière qui saura vous réconforter et vous garder au chaud! Histoire L’étoffe du pays est un matériel qui servait à confectionner des vêtements d’hiver pour conserver les paysans au chaud. L’étoffe était faite à partir de fibre de lin et de laine de mouton dont la culture et l’élevage abondaient sur la Côte-du-Sud.

    First seen on Sunday, January 21, 2018

  • Tempérance

    Style: Stout - Other

    ABV: 3.2    IBU: 0

    Bière légère, arômes de café et moka, finale herbacée provenant des houblons anglais

    First seen on Wednesday, November 29, 2017

  • Ashburton

    Style: Blonde / Golden Ale - American

    ABV: 5    IBU: 0

    Description Blonde douce peu amère et légèrement maltée. Facile à boire et désaltérante, Bref une bonne bière de soif! Histoire En l’honneur d’Alexander Baring, Lord d’Ashburton qui négocia avec l’Américain Daniel Webster le tracé actuel de la frontière entre le Québec et le Maine, dont celle de la Côte-du-Sud. Le Canton d’Ashburton a les mêmes limites que la Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire.

    First seen on Sunday, October 15, 2017

  • Université Bras D'Apic

    Style: Wheat Beer - Hopfenweisse

    ABV: 5    IBU: 0

    Bière d’inspiration allemande de couleur paille avec une belle amertume. Délicatement fruitée et légèrement herbacée. Histoire Nom utilisé par les travailleurs forestiers et agricoles de la région (St-Cyrille) pour mentionner qu’ils ont développé leur savoir sur le tas. Raoul Hunter caricaturiste au Journal Le Soleil a fait connaître cette appellation en inscrivant le nom de cette institution d’enseignement particulière sur la carte des universités québécoises. Rappelons que l’Université de Bras d’Apic est la seule université au Québec n’ayant jamais accueillie ni professeurs, ni étudiants.

    First seen on Sunday, October 15, 2017

  • L'ADLS

    Style: Blonde / Golden Ale - Other

    ABV: 5    IBU: 0

    First seen on Friday, January 31, 2020

  • La Mielleuse

    Style: Red Ale - Other

    ABV: 6.5    IBU: 0

    Rousse au Miel. Red Ale with Honey.

    First seen on Monday, November 30, 2020

  • Archypel

    Style: IPA - New England / Hazy

    ABV: 7.2    IBU: 0

    First seen on Tuesday, June 20, 2023

  • Harton

    Style: Sour - Berliner Weisse

    ABV: 3    IBU: 0

    First seen on Monday, May 14, 2018

  • La Combattante

    Style: Pale Ale - American

    ABV: 7    IBU: 0

    American pale ale, désaltérante, produite avec les houblons Magnum, Perle et Cascade.

    First seen on Sunday, October 15, 2017

  • La Sommet

    Style: IPA - White / Wheat

    ABV: 4.2    IBU: 30

    Blanche IPA avec houblons très aromatiques (citra)

    First seen on Saturday, March 31, 2018

  • 375e Seigneurie De La Rivière-du-Sud

    Style: Wheat Beer - Other

    ABV: 0    IBU: 0

    Blanche de blé au thym

    First seen on Friday, May 14, 2021

  • Caseille

    Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier / Blanche

    ABV: 4    IBU: 0

    Bière de blé type blanche belge. De couleur pêche, elle se distingue par ses arômes acidulés que lui confrère le fruit de caseille.

    First seen on Monday, May 14, 2018

  • Rébellion

    Style: Pale Ale - American

    ABV: 4.3    IBU: 0

    First seen on Monday, May 14, 2018

  • Lacaille

    Style: Lager - American

    ABV: 5    IBU: 0

    First seen on Friday, July 28, 2023

  • Friche
    Not Enough Ratings Yet

    Style: IPA - Imperial / Double

    ABV: 8.5    IBU: 0

    Imperiale Pale Ale aux arômes d’agrumes et amertume modérée. Houblons : Cascade

    First seen on Sunday, October 15, 2017

  • Harton Sureau
    Not Enough Ratings Yet

    Style: Sour - Berliner Weisse

    ABV: 3    IBU: 0

    Berliner weiss au sureau.

    First seen on Saturday, July 13, 2019

  • 1646
    Not Enough Ratings Yet

    Style: Wheat Beer - Other

    ABV: 4.7    IBU: 0

    First seen on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

  • Berger
    Not Enough Ratings Yet

    Style: Kölsch

    ABV: 4.5    IBU: 0

    First seen on Saturday, May 19, 2018

  • La Boîte à Frissons
    Not Enough Ratings Yet

    Style: Farmhouse Ale - Saison

    ABV: 5    IBU: 0

    Ale blonde d'inspiration d'inspiration belge aux reflets jaune paille, saveurs épicées et fruitées.

    First seen on Sunday, September 16, 2018


L'Étoffe du Pays

By Elliot Williams

L'Étoffe du Pays

By Rob Vickerson


By David Proulx


By Slava


By Alexandre Deschambeault


By Nacim


By Pascal Tremblay


By Alex Lévesque


By Jon Jacobs


By Fabien Pelletier

L'Étoffe du Pays

By Edith Bougie

Grande Voyageuse

By Nacim


By Johannes Urbanski


By Martin Jerresand


By Martin Jerresand

  • More Coming Soon