Style: Stout - Imperial / Double Coffee
ABV: 9.5 IBU: 76
Péché Mortel (French for "Mortal Sin") is an intensely black and dense beer with very pronounced roasted flavours. Coffee is infused during the brewing process intensifying the bitterness of the beer and giving it a powerful coffee taste. Péché Mortel is brewed to be savored; we invite you to drink it in moderation. The Péché Mortel was born in our Montreal brewpub in October 2001.
First seen on Friday, December 31, 2010
Style: Stout - American
ABV: 6.5 IBU: 0
Many don't know it, but the Aphrodisiac had for many years two names: Aphrodisiaque (his original name) in Quebec and Aphrodite in part of Canada and elsewhere in the world. The name "Aphrodisiac" is indeed denied for the marketing of an alcoholic product in certain provinces and countries. So this beer had two denominations, two different labels, two web identities, etc. Due to concerns of uniformity and simplicity, we have decided to keep only one name, the name that was accepted in all our markets: Aphrodite. Black ale with aromas and flavours of vanilla, dark chocolate, bourbon and roasted malt. The vanilla and cocoa marry nicely, without out-competing each other, to produce a surprisingly well balanced beer. This beer is mildly hoppy, but the cocoa introduces a touch of bitterness. Its colour may be intimidating, but it is a very smooth beer within reach of most beer drinkers. This highly appreciated dessert beer is brewed with organic fair-trade cocoa and first rate vanilla beans.
First seen on Sunday, December 19, 2010
Style: IPA - American
ABV: 6.9 IBU: 100
Le concept de Moralité peut donner lieu à diverses interprétations et au Québec, il a un lien historique avec l'alcool. Chose certaine, nous utilisons une quantité immorale de houblon provenant d’un savant mélange de Simcoe, Citra et Centennial. Il en résulte une finale sèche, aromatique et légèrement résineuse évoquant des fruits tropicaux et laissant apparaître une amertume tranchante. La Moralité est née d'une collaboration avec John Kimmich de la brasserie The Alchemist du Vermont.
First seen on Friday, May 31, 2013
Style: Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse
ABV: 5.9 IBU: 0
Bière de blé sure brassée avec des framboises. L’acidité évidente et dominante de la Solstice d'Eté est obtenue naturellement en laissant surir le moût non bouilli durant quelques jours. Elle est complétée par l’ajout durant la fermentation d’une quantité phénoménale de fruits entiers. Il en résulte une bière très rafraîchissante dans laquelle l’acidité et le fruit utilisé dominent sans partage. La Solstice d'Eté n'est brassée qu'une seule fois par année, pour être vendue en juin jusqu'à épuisement des stocks. In English - this is RASPBERRY version.
First seen on Sunday, September 25, 2011
Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier / Blanche
ABV: 5.9 IBU: 0
The Rosée d’Hibiscus is a soft spoken wheat beer. The rose colour comes from the hibiscus flowers added during the brewing process. The aromas and flavour of this tropical flower are very prominent in the beer, giving it a slight acidity and a very agreeable fragrance. It is the perfect thirst quencher on a hot summer day.
First seen on Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Style: IPA - Fruited
ABV: 6.5 IBU: 0
Cette India pale ale aux kumquats incarne le fantasme de l’été à chaque gorgée. La fraîcheur du kumquat inondera vos papilles de notes d’agrume, à laquelle s’allie une légère acidité. L’amertume fait son chemin à notre palais en catimini, puis se déploie toute en longueur, vous faisant saliver jusqu’à la prochaine gorgée. À l’année longue, l’été chantera sur vos lèvres et vous danserez, éperdus, sur les airs de vos plus chers succès disco. // Disco Sunshine is a sun-inspired Kumquat India Pale Ale. Fresh kumquat delivers citrus notes and pleasing acidity while the lingering bitterness from the hops makes you thirst for more. These bright rays of sunshine will now be available year-long, bottled-up, ready for you to enjoy whenever you please.
First seen on Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Style: Barleywine - American
ABV: 10.2 IBU: 0
This noble winter beer is brown in colour with flaming red highlights. Its taste is delicately sweet and liquor-like with a hint of burnt caramel coming from the malt and a prolonged boiling time. It is a very bitter beer with aromas of hops and alcohol, and flavours reminiscent of red fruit brought by the English-type yeast we use to ferment it. The aftertaste is accentuated by the wonderful flavour of hops.
First seen on Monday, November 15, 2010
Style: Belgian Quadrupel
ABV: 10.5 IBU: 0
Strong brown ale inspired by the beer brewed by Belgian Trappist monks. Very little bitterness, this beer has intense malty and sweet flavours, mixed with the taste of chocolate and caramel. It presents complex red fruit and spice flavours due to the type of yeast that is used during the brewing process. This beer is at its best only after it has aged for six months. The Rigor Mortis are complex beers designed and brewed with patience and care in the tradition of the great Belgian Abbey beers. Rigor Mortis Abt is brewed only once a year, and is sold in January until stocks last.
First seen on Monday, January 24, 2011
Style: Stout - Imperial / Double
ABV: 9 IBU: 65
As black and deep as the period of the same name, the Grande Noirceur is a stout with intense aromas and imposing roasted malt aromas. On the palate, pronounced bitterness is balanced by a malted-caramelized side, discreetly supported by the presence of alcohol. --- D’un noir aussi profond que la période du même nom, la Grande Noirceur est un stout aux arômes intenses et auxgoûts de torréfaction imposants. En bouche, l’amertume prononcée est balancée par un côté malté-caramélisé, discrètement soutenu par la présence de l’alcool.
First seen on Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
ABV: 9.1 IBU: 0
Célébrant l’arrivée du printemps québécois, cette Scotch Ale brassée avec du sirop d’érable propose des saveurs boisées et maltées, soutenues par une touche caramélisée. Le souffle chaud de l’alcool enrobe la bouche et rehausse les notes d’érable dans une finale sucrée, mais toutefois équilibrée. Équinoxe du Printemps (French for "spring equinox") is the quintessential marriage of two great traditions: beer brewing in Scotland, and maple syrup production in Quebec. At the first draught, the mouth is overcome by woody, malty flavors, sustained by a discrete touch of sweetness. The aftertaste brings about the flavors of maple, which are sufficiently present to be appreciated, but never overwhelming the typical flavors of a Scotch Ale.
First seen on Monday, November 1, 2010
Style: IPA - English
ABV: 6.5 IBU: 50
Corne du diable (French for "Horn of the devil") is a contemporary interpretation of the classic English India Pale Ale. This new style, born on the west coast of North America, is characterized by stronger and hoppier beers. The result is a red ale expressing caramel flavours coming from the malt, sharp bitterness and powerful hop aromas, thanks to dry hopping
First seen on Friday, October 15, 2010
Style: Stout - Imperial / Double Coffee
ABV: 9.5 IBU: 0
First seen on Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier / Blanche
ABV: 5.5 IBU: 0
Blanche du Paradis is a Belgian-style Wit brewed with coriander seeds and Curaçao orange peels, the spices traditionnally found in this classic style. Unfiltered and containing almost as much raw wheat as malted barley, it presents a veil of yeast and proteins giving this style its "Blanche" name. Round and light at the same time, it exhales fresh baked bread aromas, and reveals spices and citrus flavours, accompanied by subtle notes of acidity coming from the wheat.
First seen on Sunday, December 26, 2010
Style: Belgian Tripel
ABV: 10.2 IBU: 56
New World hop-forward Tripel inspired by the Triples of Belgium. Floral and hoppy with intensely fruity aromas and an enthusiastic addition of Citra hops.
First seen on Friday, January 13, 2012
Style: IPA - Imperial / Double
ABV: 9.2 IBU: 80
Une Quantité immorale de houblon est utilisée pour brasser cette bière blonde aux reflets dorés, dont l’amertume tranchante et les arômes de résine sont balancés par des flaveurs de fruits de la passion et de citron confits.
First seen on Sunday, September 14, 2014
Style: Rye Beer
ABV: 5.3 IBU: 0
The Routes des Épices is a rye beer in which pepper has been added during the brewing process, lending it wonderful peppery flavours and aromas. The beer also reveals flavours of malt, fresh cereal, chocolate, caramel and a hint of fruit. In the aftertaste, the pepper flavour is once again revealed in full strength and it leaves a pleasing spicy tingling sensation on the tongue. A nice balance is attained between its spiciness and its multitude of other flavours.
First seen on Friday, November 19, 2010
Style: Farmhouse Ale - Saison
ABV: 9.5 IBU: 0
From a rich black, this season imperial presents a predominance of bitterness accompanied by powerful notes of roasted malt. Everything is balanced by a more delicate, dry finish, complex and spicy, a characteristic signature yeast Season.
First seen on Friday, December 3, 2010
Style: IPA - Belgian
ABV: 7 IBU: 25
The Dernière Volonté is a mix of both Belgian and English brewing traditions. The complex aromas are those of flower esters and alcohol, mixed with fruity and lightly malted fragrances, and completed by a strong hoppy bouquet. The first draught lets you discover a mild-bodied beer with both spicy and fruity flavours and a hint of alcohol. The aftertaste is commandeered by a strong hoppy taste.
First seen on Saturday, October 30, 2010
Style: Porter - Other
ABV: 6.3 IBU: 65
Une India Porter à l'ancienne de couleur moka. Les arômes de rôti et de chocolat de cette bière sont soutenus par des notes fruitées, résultat des esters de la levure utilisée. L’amertume est légèrement résineuse, relevant la sécheresse marquée de la bière. L’utilisation du malt brun — plutôt que torréfié — rappelle la signature typique des premiers Porters, dont certains étaient généreusement houblonnés pour être exportés en Inde. Chemin de Croix's rich roasted and chocolate flavours, made evident by its dark mocha color, are accompanied by fruity esters resulting from the yeast. A resinous bitterness contributes to the overall dryness.
First seen on Saturday, September 15, 2012
Style: Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse
ABV: 5.9 IBU: 0
L’acidité évidente et dominante de la Solstice d'Eté est obtenue naturellement en laissant surir le moût non bouilli durant quelques jours. Elle est complétée par l’ajout durant la fermentation d’une quantité phénoménale de fruits entiers. Il en résulte une bière très rafraîchissante dans laquelle l’acidité et le fruit utilisé dominent sans partage.
First seen on Sunday, September 25, 2011
Style: Kölsch
ABV: 5.1 IBU: 0
Cette Ale d'inspiration allemande présente des arômes légèrement fruités, accompagnés d'un délicat nez de houblons. En bouche, les goût de malt sont bien présents et sont complétés par une fine amertume. This German inspired Ale offers lightly fruity and delicately hoppy aromas. It has a generous malty flavour that is well balanced by a subtle hop bitterness.
First seen on Friday, April 8, 2016
Style: Bitter - Extra Special / Strong (ESB)
ABV: 5.2 IBU: 0
This mahogany coloured beer has a caramel malt bouquet accompanied by the light aroma of hops. The caramel malt taste sails wonderfully into the mouth alongside a fruity taste brought about by a trio of hops.
First seen on Friday, August 12, 2011
Style: IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale
ABV: 6.5 IBU: 0
First seen on Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Style: Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse
ABV: 5.9 IBU: 0
Le goût suret et dominant de la Solstice d’Été Mangue est obtenu naturellement en laissant surir le moût non bouilli durant quelques jours. Le tout est complété par l’ajout durant la fermentation d’une quantité phénoménale de fruits frais. Il en résulte une bière très rafraîchissante dans laquelle l’acidité et la mangue dominent sans partage. - The dominant sourness of Solstice d’Été Mangue is a result of letting the un-boiled mash do its thing for a few days. The interesting sour character this develops is further complemented by the addition of a heaping pile of fresh fruit shortly thereafter. The result is an incredibly refreshing sour ale where the fruit is allowed to carry through without restraint.
First seen on Saturday, March 11, 2023
Style: Farmhouse Ale - Saison
ABV: 4.2 IBU: 0
Inspirée de la tradition belge, cette bière de style Saison amorce sa présence avec une belle couleur paille. Légèrement voilée, elle est sèche avec des arômes de céréales. L’utilisation du houblon, à la frontière entre la tradition et le nouveau monde, apporte des notes d’agrumes et de fruits de la passion, tout en laissant place au caractère aromatique de la levure utilisée.
First seen on Friday, March 11, 2016
Blanche du Paradis
By Jolinault Carlos
Péché Mortel (Special Edition - Partially Decaffeinated)
By Dan Morales
Péché Mortel (Jameson)
By Andrew Mow
Péché Mortel Bourbon
By Christophe C
Péché Mortel Bourbon (2023)
By Mauro Vissers
Genèse Sauvignon
By Andrew Mow
6e Soir Réserve Spéciale (Pinot Noir)
By Sylvain Pomerleau
Rigor Mortis Abt
By Benoit Surprenant
Vil & Misérable
By Vincent Desjardins Montpetit
Solstice d'Hiver
By Casey Leger
Péché Mortel
By Rita Bronsvoort Zandvoort
By Dannyk Caron
Péché Mortel Bourbon
By Charles Bernard
Péché Mortel
By Reinier Zandvoort
Péché Mortel
By Erwin Dommerholt
Eric Tiu
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Good service and good food! We came here while biking on the P'tit du nord trail. We were so tired when we arrived and the food brought us back to life and helped us power through the rest of our adventure!
mike cowan
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Super friendly staff. Beautiful interior. Fantastic beers and great selection. Bilingual as well
Sylvain Beauchesne
Friday, October 4, 2024
Close to every transportation. We stopped our bicycle ride to try some beers there. We love trying new places. We weren't disapointed ! They even had a place to put our bikes out back, so we could keep an eye on them. Personnel is very friendly. Ambiance on the Terrasse was very nice and cosy (altought the tables could use some love). But overall : diversity of product, originality, sizes, beer quality, price and atmosphere are all wins. We'll definitly stop again when we're in the area.
Ben Therrien
Friday, September 20, 2024
Amazing place. Beer is for sure amazing. Lot of variety. Love the seasonal sour beers and dent de requin.. petite morale. rosee dibiscus. well a lot to enjoy !! quite pricey but worthed. for the food. i would give them average... smash burger was dry and not as a good burger should be. Poutine ... well the sauce was extremely salty with a burnt taste. Fries were just average. This was my second time.. and will definitely go back with friends.
michael bews
Saturday, February 1, 2025
This is a top shelf resto/pub. Service is friendly, quick and patient. Food is tasty and served without delay even though it was very busy a Friday night at 1800. The selection of beers is excellent. I would highly recommend a visit.