Style: Stout - Oatmeal
ABV: 5 IBU: 45
Brewed from 40 percent dark malts and roasted barley, this intensely black ale carries strong hints of espresso and chocolate. Oatmeal contributes body and a long-lasting mocha-colored head to this well-hopped beer. • Dense mocha-coloured head • Chocolate/espresso flavour, medium sweet with a distinct floral aroma • Ideal accompaniment to chocolate desserts Primée en compétition internationale, notre noire allie malt torréfié et avoine. Des notes d’espresso et chocolat. Une mousse onctueuse au parfum de moka.
First seen on Saturday, November 6, 2010
Style: Wheat Beer - Fruited
ABV: 5 IBU: 15
Délicatement fruitée, cette ale de blé rafraîchissante aux reflets dorés unit les notes ensoleillées de l’abricot à la douceur des céréales. Delicately fruity, this refreshing wheat ale with golden highlights combines the sunny notes of apricots with the sweetness of cereals.
First seen on Saturday, February 12, 2011
Style: IPA - English
ABV: 6.2 IBU: 56
Une India Pale Ale au corps vif et à l’amertume équilibrée. Houblonnée à froid pour révéler sa complexité aromatique. An India Pale Ale with a crisp body and balanced bitterness. Dry-hopped to unlock its full aromatic complexity.
First seen on Saturday, July 23, 2011
Style: Pumpkin / Yam Beer
ABV: 5 IBU: 18
Brewed just once a year, The Great St-Ambroise Pumpkin Ale returns this fall to captivate aficionados with a savvy blend of pale and caramel malt, hops and spices. If you enjoy original taste sensations, this seasonal specialty is certain to appeal! Revenant nous hanter chaque année en automne, la grande bière à la citrouille St-Ambroise saura vous ensorceler par son alchimie de malt blond et caramélisé, de houblon doux, de cannelle, de gingembre, de muscade, de girofle et de citrouille. Sa fine saveur maltée et légèrement sucrée saura exciter les sens de toutes les créatures en quête de sensations douces!
First seen on Sunday, March 13, 2011
Style: Pale Ale - American
ABV: 5 IBU: 35
St-Ambroise Pale Ale is the McAuslan Brewery flagship beer. Introduced in February 1989, it is a hoppy, amber,full-flavoured ale. Its’ floral hop aromas are balanced by a well-structured combination of various specialty malts in the body. The long finish is appetizing and tangy with orangey-citric notes. Accompanies most poultry, and seafood.
First seen on Saturday, August 21, 2010
Style: IPA - Imperial / Double
ABV: 8 IBU: 77
Une Double India Pale Ale non filtrée, généreusement houblonnée et maltée, pour un goût franc et charnu avec des notes d’agrumes. An unfiltered Double India Pale Ale, generously hopped and malted, for a bold, full-bodied taste with citrus notes.
First seen on Sunday, June 30, 2013
Style: Red Ale - American Amber / Red
ABV: 4.5 IBU: 27
Griffon Red Ale is a medium-bitter, mahogany-colored beer. Its nutty flavors are a result of crystal malt and a touch of roasted barley. Griffon Red has also made its mark in world competitions winning silver medals at the 1994 and ’96 World Beer Championships, a gold medal at the Coupe des nations, compétition internationale (Québec), and a bronze medal at the 2005 Canadian Brewing Awards.
First seen on Saturday, February 19, 2011
Style: IPA - New England / Hazy
ABV: 6.2 IBU: 55
Savourez le goût tropical et juteux de notre NEIPA, un brassin houblonné à la robe voilée, aux notes de pamplemousse, ananas et fruit de la passion. Enjoy the tropical and juicy taste of our NEIPA, a hazy and hoppy brew with notes of grapefruit, pineapple and passion fruit.
First seen on Friday, August 24, 2018
Style: Cream Ale
ABV: 5 IBU: 35
Une pale ale onctueuse au goût crémeux et équilibré. Servez-vous un verre pour admirer la cascade de fines bulles d'azote, ainsi que son col de mousse velouté. A smooth, creamy pale ale with a balanced hop and malt character. Pour yourself a glass and watch the nitrogen cascade of fine bubbles rise into a velvet head.
First seen on Sunday, December 5, 2010
Style: Red Ale - American Amber / Red
ABV: 4.5 IBU: 25
St-Ambroise Érable celebrates our unique sugaring off tradition. A combination of crystal malt, roasted barley, choice hops and real Quebec maple syrup make this beer the perfect companion for your annual trip to the sugar shack. Cheers! Cette bière célèbre les traditions du temps des sucres. Cette douce ale printanière combine malt Crystal, orge torréfié et du vrai sirop d'érable d'ici.
First seen on Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Style: IPA - American
ABV: 6.2 IBU: 46
Une India Pale Ale non filtrée, où les notes d’agrumes et l’amertume du pamplemousse se fusionnent naturellement à son caractère houblonné affirmé. An unfiltered India Pale Ale, where the citrus notes and zesty bitterness of the grapefruit seamlessly weave with its assertive hop character.
First seen on Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Style: IPA - Session
ABV: 4.5 IBU: 55
With a St-Ambroise Session IPA, you can enjoy all the hop aroma and flavour of a traditional IPA. With a lower alcohol content, this unfiltered IPA, is the perfect choice to be enjoyed again and again.
First seen on Friday, September 26, 2014
Style: IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale
ABV: 6.5 IBU: 58
First seen on Sunday, February 21, 2016
Style: Fruit Beer
ABV: 5 IBU: 25
Behind its magnificent ruby-red colour, St-Ambroise Raspberry Ale reveals its refreshing charm from the moment you encounter its bouquet and flavour. Made with fresh raspberries and choice sun-ripened hops, it gently engages your taste buds in a delicious explosion of flavours. Its delicate fruit aromas marry perfectly with the pleasant hop character typical of all St-Ambroise ales. Brewed in Quebec – just once a year – it’s a unique summertime treat! Limited edition Cette ale est brassée avec des framboises fraîches, exclusivement pour l’été. L’acidité naturelle du fruit s’harmonise à la douceur du malt.
First seen on Sunday, May 29, 2011
Style: Pale Ale - American
ABV: 5 IBU: 25
As gold medalist in the Golden Canadian Ale category at the 1996 World Beer Cup, Griffon Extra Pale Ale has earned a place of honor among Canadian premium beers. Noted beer expert and author Charlie Papazian praised Griffon Extra Pale for its bright gold color, clean hop and malt flavor and “great drinkability”.
First seen on Friday, January 7, 2011
Style: Stout - Russian Imperial
ABV: 9.2 IBU: 84
St-Ambroise Russian Imperial Stout is Quebec’s tribute to the late 1700’s English Imperial Stouts, brewed for the Russian courts of Catherine the Great. Made from a blend of barley malts, St-Ambroise Russian Imperial Stout is infused with Cascade, Goldings and Willamette hops, resulting in an outstanding hop-character with a smooth finish. Bourbon wood-aged, this full-bodied ale has a rich, smoky aroma with hints of vanilla, espresso and chocolate.
First seen on Sunday, April 24, 2011
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
ABV: 7.5 IBU: 25
St-Ambroise Scotch Ale is dark ruby red with a tawny head – sweet and malty, with hints of vanilla and butterscotch, and a log hop finish. With it’s 7.5% alcool, this beer evokes the classic “wee heavies” or the full-bodied 90-shilling strong winter ales of Scotland. Enjoy a glass of St?Ambroise Scotch Ale and celebrate over 400 years of Scottish heritage in Canada. Slàinte Mhòr! We are proud to celebrate 400 years of Scottish heritage in Quebec with our limited edition McAuslan Scotch Ale. This malty beer evokes the classic “wee heavies” or the full-bodied, 90-shilling, strong winter ales of Scotland.
First seen on Thursday, April 21, 2011
Style: Porter - Baltic
ABV: 8.2 IBU: 38
Hops: Nugget, Golding, Williamette Malts: Pale Malt, Vienna Malt, Chocolate Malt, Caramunich Malt, Carabohemian Malt, Caraaroma Malt Fidèle au style des pays baltes, notre porter onctueuse offre de riches arômes de malt et caramel, avec des notes de mûres, cacao et réglisse noire. True to the Baltic style, our smooth, full-bodied porter offers rich aromas of malt and caramel, with notes of dark chocolate, licorice, and plums.
First seen on Sunday, November 15, 2015
Style: Red Ale - American Amber / Red
ABV: 4.5 IBU: 25
Une ale au caractère malté sur fond de caramel, avec des notes chocolatées et torréfiées. Ale with a malty character and a good caramel base, with chocolate and toasty overtones.
First seen on Sunday, March 23, 2014
Style: Pale Ale - English
ABV: 6 IBU: 40
Voici donc, notre St-Ambroise Oak Aged, une cuvée toute spéciale que nous vous offrons en édition limitée. Brassée avec du malt pâle, du malt caramel, du blé grillé et du malt chocolat, cette pale ale forte non filtrée est produite à partir de houblons Nugget, Cascade, Hallertau et Golding. Elle est ensuite vieillie en fût de chêne pour augmenter la complexité. Une raison de plus pour célébrer! 6% d'alc./vol. En magasin dès cette semaine, format 6 pack. Faites-vite! // Introducing our 25th anniversary beer: St-Ambroise Oak Aged! Brewed with Pale Malt, Crystal malt, toasted wheat and chocolate malt, this unfiltred, strong pale ale is hopped with Nugget, Cascade, Hallertau and Golding. The beer is then aged with oak to give the beer greater complexity. 6% alc./vol. One more reason to celebrate! Cheers! In stores this week. Sorry, only available in Québec.
First seen on Thursday, September 25, 2014
Style: IPA - Brut
ABV: 7 IBU: 40
Cette IPA facile à boire, à l'amertume modérée, offre un goût extrêmement sec et une effervescence rafraichissante rappelant le profil brut d'un vin mousseux. This easy-drinking IPA with moderate bitterness offers an extremely dry taste and refreshing effervescence, reminiscent of a brut sparkling wine.
First seen on Thursday, January 24, 2019
Style: Stout - Milk / Sweet
ABV: 5.5 IBU: 28
St-Ambroise Milk Stout is a well balanced Stout with a slight sweetness from the lactose. The dark malt complexities of the caramel and chocolate malt and Roasted Barley blend wonderfully with the lactose giving the beer a great finish. The addition of Oats further enhances the smoothness and body. Combinant malts caramel et chocolat, orge rôtie, avoine et lactose, cette stout onctueuse, au caractère délicatement sucré, est couronnée d'un collet moka.
First seen on Saturday, September 22, 2018
Style: Stout - Irish Dry
ABV: 4.2 IBU: 23
Fidèle au style irlandais, notre dry stout offre une légère amertume provenant des houblons et des malts torréfiés. Enrichi d'azote pour une texture veloutée. True to the Irish style, our easy-to-drink dry stout offers subtle bitterness from roasted malts and hops, and a smooth mouthfeel enhanced by the nitrogen.
First seen on Saturday, March 16, 2019
Style: IPA - Session
ABV: 4.8 IBU: 45
Savourez cette session NEIPA, un brassin rafraîchissant et fruité au taux d'alcool modéré. Houblonnée à froid pour de généreuses notes tropicales et d'agrumes. Enjoy this session NEIPA, a hazy and juicy brew with a lower alcohol content than a regular NEIPA. Dry-hopped for generous tropical and citrus notes.
First seen on Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Style: Barleywine - American
ABV: 9.8 IBU: 50
Made with a blend of wheat and barley malts, including Munich malt, this unfiltered ale has a lovely deep-orange colour, rich maltiness, hints of caramelized fruit that recall plum pudding, and a surprisingly crisp, balanced finish provided by classic Goldings hops. Serve St-Ambroise Vintage Ale between 13 ºC and 15 ºC, preferably in a port glass or brandy snifter. Also, this vintage ale will improve with age for a number of years. Store in a cool, dark place..
First seen on Sunday, December 12, 2010
St-Ambroise New England IPA
By Barrey Goertzen
St-Ambroise Oatmeal Stout (Noire à l’avoine)
By Chuck Wickman
St-Ambroise Cream Ale
By carlo hamel
St-Ambroise Abricot (Apricot Wheat Ale)
By Dave Watson
St-Ambroise Minim IPA
By Anthony Tremblay
St-Ambroise Blanche
By Melissa
St-Ambroise Stout Impériale Russe (Russian Imperial Stout)
By Hugues Fortier
St-Ambroise - Brut IPA
By Pierre Taillefer
St-Ambroise Oatmeal Stout (Noire à l’avoine)
By Alan I
St-Ambroise Blonde
By Mat Faille
St-Ambroise Citrouille (Pumpkin)
By Kyle Vidal
St-Ambroise Blonde
By Ken K
Griffon Red Ale (Griffon Rousse)
By Ken K
St-Ambroise Red Ale (Rousse)
By Mart Beer
Classique Blonde
By Mart Beer
Elham Alizadeh
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Dynamique ambiance! Tried the cheese burger. It was small but delicious. St-Ambroise apricot beer was tasty. You order your drink and food. Then you find a spot to chill! They have a big parking spot. If you get there before dusk, its a good view of the canal.
Monday, September 4, 2023
The beer is not bad. There's a few choices of beer and food. Expect small food portions including the individual sized pizza. A pitcher of beer was $20. Very nice casual seating with plenty seating in the shade.
Martin Bourdeau
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Very nice outdoor patio with delicious beers! Best place to stop by while you're biking on the canal Lachine.
Martha Cox
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Wonderful location for a refreshing beverage on the canal. Good beers and very friendly staff.
Craig Lewis
Monday, August 28, 2023
A great Bier garden. It's large, has a variety of food and beverages, and has a limited view of the canal. Plenty of beverage options, from soda, and hard cider, to IPAs and stouts. I prefer the lighter side, and got a black fruit cider (I tasted cherry, but they said it had blackberry too), and an apricot wheat.