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3 Brasseurs Pointe-Claire

46-A Boulevard Brunswick, Pointe-Claire, QC H9B 2L3, Canada
(514) 370-5590
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  • Gibrane Khoda

    Monday, December 2, 2024

    We went on a Sunday evening. It's nice to have a good place to eat open after 9 in the West Island. Our waitress was super friendly and gave us an excellent service. Their Maxi fries are awesome.

  • Aldrin Dsouza

    Thursday, November 7, 2024

    Visited the one in point Claire . This places is busy on weekends so I would recommend to make a reservation . Weekdays you could walk in . I always try to different food at their various franchise outlets . This time we got the chicken wings with buffalo sauce . It was spicy and fun to eat . We also ordered onion rings and the mushroom poutine . We asked that the potato be replaced with sweet potato fries in the poutine, a good replacement but based on availability . In drinks we ordered the blonde , some beer cocktails . I would recommend the blood brezer. For the main course we ordered flamakuchers . One meat and one chicken . Do note the chicken has also bacon bits , which we asked to remove . The place was a bit understaffed . But we had a good server who kept checking on us very time he passed . The other beer cocktails were a bit too sweet . I would recommend the beers on tap as usual if you don't like your cocktails sweet .

  • Sveta Ppl

    Sunday, September 1, 2024

    It's our regular go to place. We keep coming back for great beer and food and always great service. However Emma who was our waitress today, managed to exceed our service expectations! Welcoming, efficient, professional and smiley, she is a real asset! Thank you so much!

  • Brad Beale

    Saturday, February 22, 2025

    I had a larger group for the 4 Nations Cup final and the restaurant was very accommodating. The food was great and always has been over the 5+ years I've been going to the restaurant. When you go, ask for Kevin as he always provides exceptional service. I highly recommend 3B! It's always a blast, no matter the occasion.

  • Kris Andy

    Thursday, July 18, 2024

    Location: 3/5 Conveniently located but lacks standout ambiance. Food Quality: 2/5 Disappointing overall. Calamari and chicken burgers were average; poke bowl lacked freshness. Price: 3/5 Reasonable but doesn't match the quality of the food. Service: 4/5 Excellent service, friendly and attentive staff. Overall, 3 Brasseurs Pointe Claire offers a convenient location with good service, but the food quality fell short. Dishes lacked freshness and depth of flavor, making it a less desirable choice despite its positives.

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Beer List for 3 Brasseurs | 3 Brewers Canada (officiel) Provided by Untappd!
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  • IPA / L'IPA

    Style: IPA - American

    ABV: 6    IBU: 60

    L'IPA des 3 Brasseurs est une bière dorée de fermentation haute, non filtrée, brassée avec du malt pâle, du malt crystal, et une abondance de houblon cascade et Amarillo. Au nez, on retrouve des arômes de houblons frais, des notes d’agrumes et d’épinette, tandis que l’amertume domine en bouche. // The IPA is an unfiltered, highly-fermented, golden beer brewed with pale malt, crystal malt and an abundance of Cascade and Amarillo hops. You’ll find aromas of fresh hops, hints of citrus and spruce whereas the bitterness dominates in taste.

    First seen on Tuesday, June 5, 2012

  • L'Ambrée (Amber)

    Style: Red Ale - American Amber / Red

    ABV: 6.2    IBU: 26

    EBC:40 SRM:20,3 L’Ambrée des 3 Brasseurs est brassée avec un mélange de malts pâles et spéciaux qui lui confère sa coloration. Cette tonalité, alliée à une fine amertume, en fait une bière équilibrée, moelleuse et fraîche. // The Amber is brewed with a blend of pale and specialty malts which creates its distinctive colour. This medley creates a mild bitterness, making for a well-balanced, smooth and fresh beer. Top-fermentation provides a complex aroma of higher alcohols and esters, making the amber round and full-bodied. Its colour and a light touch of caramel on the palette are the result of malts which are kilned – a drying process done at high temperatures. The dense, creamy head comes from naturally occurring proteins in the malts.

    First seen on Sunday, October 3, 2010

  • La Blonde

    Style: Belgian Blonde

    ABV: 5.2    IBU: 24

    EBC: 9 SRM: 4,6 Bière légère, issue d’une sélection de houblons aromatiques, la Blonde des 3 Brasseurs révèle un caractère fruité et plein de subtilité et est légèrement amère. C'est la bière désaltérante par excellence. Produite à 100 % à base de malt blond de type Pilsen, elle est de couleur jaune pâle brillante. // A light beer featuring a selection of aromatic hops, the Blonde has a complex, fruity character with a slight bitterness. The perfect thirst quencher. Made with 100% pale Pilsen malt, it is a brilliant straw-coloured ale.

    First seen on Sunday, October 3, 2010

  • La Blanche (White)

    Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier / Blanche

    ABV: 4.7    IBU: 18

    EBC: 8 SRM: 4 Bière de malt d’orge et de froment, la Blanche des 3 Brasseurs est une bière de style belge. Délicatement acidulée, elle est fraîche et désaltérante. La Blanche, de par la synergie entre la levure en suspension et la concentration élevée en protéines dans le froment, est naturellement trouble. Non amère mais épicée et aromatisée à souhait grâce à notre levure de Blanche, elle développe un parfum intense d’agrumes et une note acidulée. // Brewed using malted barley and wheat, the White is a Belgian Style beer. Mildly acidic, it is fresh and thirst-quenching. Malted wheat, with its elevated concentration of protein, creates a synergy with the yeast, making the White naturally cloudy. Not bitter yet spicy and aromatic due to our special white yeast strain, it develops an intense, citrusy aroma and soft acidity.

    First seen on Sunday, October 3, 2010

  • Brune (Brown)

    Style: Brown Ale - American

    ABV: 4.8    IBU: 28

    EBC: 110 SRM: 55,9 Sa couleur ébène et la puissance de son arôme sont le résultat d’un subtil mélange de malts spéciaux torréfiés. À déguster à environ 8 °C pour apprécier la finesse de son goût caramélisé. // The deep colour and powerful aroma of the Brown beer are the result of a subtle blend of special roasted malts. Ideally, it should be sampled at 8C in order to fully appreciate the sophistication of its caramelised taste. A mixture of caramel and chocolate malts bring out its dark colour and chocolaty flavour, hints of coffee and full-bodied nature. Its creamy, full head carries a fresh bitterness across the palette.

    First seen on Saturday, December 4, 2010

  • The Munich

    Style: Märzen

    ABV: 6    IBU: 27

    En octobre 1810, on organisait un festival à Munich pour célébrer le mariage du prince héritier, Louis. Le festival, qui célébrait également la culture bavaroise et se terminait par une course de chevaux épique, était tellement populaire qu’il est devenu une tradition annuelle, l’Oktoberfest. Bien entendu, la dégustation de bière occupait et occupe toujours une place de taille dans ce festival annuel, et nous vous invitons à participer aux festivités avec notre version de la Märzenbier bavaroise. Avec sa saveur maltée aux soupçons d’herbes délicates, elle a un corps balancé et un fini sec en bouche. Prost! // In October 1810 a festival was held in Munich to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig. The festival, which also celebrated Bavarian culture and concluded with an epic horse race, was so popular it became an annual tradition called Oktoberfest. Of course, beer tasting was and still is a big part of this annual festival and we invite you to join in the celebrations with our version of Bavarian Märzenbier. With its malty flavour and hints of delicate herbs, it delivers a medium bodied taste with a clean dry finish. Prost!

    First seen on Monday, October 4, 2010

  • Stanley Stout

    Style: Stout - Other

    ABV: 5.7    IBU: 40

    EBC: 200 SRM:102 Bien avant que la rue Crescent soit désignée comme la rue du m’as-tu-vu à Montréal, c’était sur la rue Stanley qu’on venait faire la fête. En fait, c’est sur Stanley qu’on a ouvert le tout premier pub à Montréal. Ce n’est qu’en 1967, avec l’arrivée de l’expo, que la rue Crescent supplantera sa voisine pour devenir la reine de la nuit. La Stanley Stout est une bière très foncée grâce à son mélange de malts chocolatés et noirs. L'ajout de nitrogène et de CO2 lui donne une belle mousse, riche et onctueuse, avec un goût d'une douceur extrême. À ne pas manquer! // Long before Crescent Street became Montréal’s hotspot for vibrant nightlife and fine cuisine, Stanley was the cool street on the block. The Stanley Stout is a very dark ale based on a blend of chocolate and black malts.

    First seen on Tuesday, June 9, 2015

  • Milkshake IPA

    Style: IPA - Milkshake

    ABV: 8    IBU: 80

    Bombe Aromatique, massivement houblonnée: notre Milkshake IPA tire son nom de son apparence épaisse et trouble (dû à l’usage de Froment, d’avoine, et de purée de Pomme.

    First seen on Wednesday, June 14, 2017

  • La Triple

    Style: Belgian Tripel

    ABV: 7.9    IBU: 0

    First seen on Saturday, March 12, 2011

  • Summer Fresh Raspberry Ale

    Style: Fruit Beer

    ABV: 4.7    IBU: 17

    SUMMER FRESH SUNBURST ALE (SUMMER ONLY) Faite d’orge et de froment et infusée du goût légèrement sucré de vraies framboises, cette bière du moment est la manière idéale de se rafraîchir. Sa couleur rosée et son nez fruité sont équilibrés par une note légèrement amère et une saveur acidulée, produisant une combinaison des plus rafraîchissantes, comme si on buvait un verre d’été! // Made of barley, wheat and infused with the light sweetness of real raspberries, this feature beer is the perfect way to cool down. Its pinkish colour and fruity nose are balanced by a slightly bitter note and acidic flavour, making it a refreshing combination that tastes of summer in a glass.

    First seen on Thursday, July 9, 2015

  • La Belle Recolte - The Harvest Ale

    Style: Pale Ale - English

    ABV: 5.8    IBU: 40

    Après que l’été ait fait ses derniers adieux, le moment est venu de recueillir tout ce qu’il a offert à la terre. En cette saison des moissons, dégustez la Belle récolte, bière à la robe cuivrée et à l’amertume franche qui a été entièrement préparée à partir de houblons ontariens fraîchement récoltés. After summer has waved its last goodbyes, the time has come to gather everything that it’s offered the soil. As crops are being collected, savour the Harvest Ale, a copper-coloured beer with a marked bitterness that has been prepared using freshly harvested Ontarian hops only.

    First seen on Saturday, November 10, 2012

  • Black IPA

    Style: IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale

    ABV: 6.9    IBU: 65

    BREWED LOCALLY, CELEBRATED GLOBALLY. Julien a participé à une compétition en France où il s’est mesuré aux brasseurs des 3 Brasseurs du monde entier. Sa “Black IPA” a remporté la première place et c’est la bière du moment en août dans tous les 3 Brasseurs du monde. Maintenant, le monde entier peut savourer cet hybride unique, qui a l’arôme envoûtant d’une IPA de la côte ouest à houblonnage à cru et saveurs d’agrumes, tout en étant équilibré par le corps et la richesse d’une ale foncée. // Julien competed in France against 3 Brasseurs brewers from around the world. His Black IPA won and is the August feature beer at 3 Brasseurs, globally. Now the world can enjoy this unique hybrid that features the enticing aroma of a dry hopped West Coast IPA, citrus flavours and is balanced with the body & richness of a dark ale.

    First seen on Monday, January 20, 2014

  • Double IPA

    Style: IPA - Imperial / Double

    ABV: 7.8    IBU: 75

    First seen on Thursday, February 2, 2017

  • La Fleur Des Flandres / Flower of Flanders

    Style: Blonde / Golden Ale - Other

    ABV: 7.5    IBU: 0

    Blonde légèrement trouble. 4 houblons locaux.

    First seen on Monday, July 21, 2014

  • Temperance Willie

    Style: IPA - Session

    ABV: 4.5    IBU: 40

    You have to respect anyone who pursues a cause with passion. Even though the cause may not exactly be to your liking. That’s certainly the case with Temperance Willie, known to his mom as William Horace Temple. Willie successfully led the fight against alcohol sales in west-end Toronto for more than three decades. It wasn’t until 1994, years after his death, that residents of a few west-end neighbourhoods voted to change the law. To honour these brave souls, and anyone else who just enjoys a great pint, we created Temperance Willie. This Prohibition-era Session IPA has a hint of tropical fruit and a floral hoppy finish.

    First seen on Monday, February 17, 2014

  • La Porter Du Vieux

    Style: Porter - Other

    ABV: 5.8    IBU: 38

    Introduced in Ireland in 1740, Porter beer gets its name from the popularity it had among the porters in the big ports. Today, we pay tribute to all those porters and, also, to the entire import-export industry that so marked the Old Port of Montréal. This dark beer, brewed from crystal , chocolate and black malt, is reminiscent of the flavours of old with an aroma of intense and hoppy roasting.

    First seen on Monday, June 1, 2015

  • The Lucky Penny

    Style: Rye Beer

    ABV: 5.6    IBU: 30

    You’ve heard them all: “Count your pennies.” “The penny dropped.” “Two pennies to rub together.” The small copper coin gave us many a saying. But here’s the question: now that it’s gone, have thoughts gone up to a dollar? There’s one pleasure at least that doesn’t cost a pretty penny, and it’s this lovely Copper Ale. A nicely balanced beer, it is brewed with a subtle blend of noble hops, malts and rye which provides a spicy taste. The finish leaves a drier note in the mouth. At least that’s our two cents worth.

    First seen on Friday, May 8, 2015

  • Witteke

    Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier / Blanche

    ABV: 6    IBU: 30

    Dévoilant une robe orange lumineuse et trouble, ‘’La Witteke’’ présente un nez fruité provenant de notre levure de Blanche maison et de l’addition d’écorces d’oranges de coriandre et de cumin.  S’appuyant sur un corps riche, cette bière de haute fermentation se pose en grande sœur de notre fameuse Blanche et affirme son caractère avec plus de générosité, notre vision très personnelle d’une ‘’Extra Witbier’’ : une douce, généreuse, fruitée et rafraîchissante proposition ! Displaying a hazy bright orange covered by a thick white head, ‘ the Witteke’ showcases a fruity nose from our house White yeast and the addition of Orange peels, Coriander and cumin. Based on a rich body, this ale clearly stands as the big sister of our famous White and affirms its character with more generosity, our very own vision of  an ‘’Extra Witbier’’ : a smooth, generous, fruity & refreshing offer !

    First seen on Sunday, April 12, 2015

  • Bière de Noël

    Style: Winter Ale

    ABV: 6.6    IBU: 27

    First seen on Thursday, December 29, 2011

  • La Rouge

    Style: Red Ale - Other

    ABV: 5.3    IBU: 22

    Une bière à la couleur rouge intense à la mousse colorée. En bouche, elle est légèrement acidulée avec un goût intense de cerise et framboise.

    First seen on Monday, October 29, 2018

  • Rhubiscus

    Style: Fruit Beer

    ABV: 4.4    IBU: 5

    Made with rhubarb and hibiscus, our feature signature beer is delicate, thirst-quenching and utterly unique.

    First seen on Friday, June 10, 2016

  • La Noire de nos Forêts / Maple Forest Stout

    Style: Stout - American

    ABV: 6.3    IBU: 25

    Known as La Noire de nos Forêts in Quebec and Maple Forest Stout in Ontario, the 6.3% abv and 25 IBU maple stout was brewed to celebrate maple sugaring season, as well as St. Patrick’s Day. La Noire de nos Forêts/Maple Forest Stout is on tap for a limited time at all Les 3 Brasseurs/The 3 Brewers locations in Quebec and Ontario.

    First seen on Friday, April 7, 2017

  • White IPA

    Style: IPA - White / Wheat

    ABV: 6    IBU: 51

    First seen on Sunday, April 24, 2016

  • La Belle Province

    Style: Red Ale - American Amber / Red

    ABV: 7    IBU: 0

    First seen on Friday, June 10, 2011

  • La Chaufferette

    Style: Winter Warmer

    ABV: 8    IBU: 45

    Vous adorerez ce brassin riche et réconfortant, au caractère fort et aux arômes d’agrumes, offrant des notes de pruneaux et de fruits séchés. Nous l’avons préparé à partir de trois houblons différents, notamment une bonne dose de Cascade afin de bien équilibrer les saveurs. // You’ll love this bold and comforting brew, heavy bodied with citrus aroma and notes of plum and dried fruits. We prepared it using three different types of hops, including plenty of Cascade hops to balance all the flavours.

    First seen on Friday, January 27, 2012



By Kevin Smith

La Blonde

By Kevin Smith

L'Ambrée (Amber)

By Denis Beaumont


By Marc Létourneau


By Denis Beaumont

La Patrick

By Marie-Pierre Fecteau


By Fa Nny

La Blonde

By Davis Strefling


By spencerbpdf


By Julien Roux

L'Ambrée (Amber)

By David UM


By David UM

La Lilloise

By Mikkel Just

Session IPA


La Fleur Des Flandres / Flower of Flanders

By Leo Zuid

  • More Coming Soon